"Don't too attach to people!!!" Kalimat tersebut menjadi salah satu penghias di dinding kamar saya. Don't take it wrong! Bukan hanya sekadar penghias, actually. Tulisan-tulisan yang saya tempelkan di dinding kamar saya adalah reminder. Frase di atas diambil dari serial BBC favorit saya, "Sherlock Holmes!". Sebuah peringatan yang dilontarkan sang kakak, Mycroft Holmes, kepada adiknya, Sherlock Holmes. It means a lot for me. I mustn't too attach to people! It's just toxic! And here I now, realize, that I recently too attach to people around me. I love people, just the way they are. I love observing them. Every person was born unique, and I can see their uniqueness in my eyes. That's why I love listening their story. Saya benar-benar menikmati obrolan dengan orang lain. My sincerity make some of introverted people compelled to tell their stor...